Philippe Val

Philippe Val (born September 14, 1952) is a French singer, comedian and journalist who is currently director of France Inter. He previously was the editor and director of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical political weekly newspaper.

Life and career

Val was born in Paris. He first became known as a member of the comedy team of Font et Val with Patrick Font in the 70's and 80's. Val is also a musician (a singer and pianist). He performed in the years around 2000 together with Emmanuel Binet on bass. His last album was called simply Philippe Val.

In addition, Philippe Val has had an opinion slot first on environmentalism then on general politics in various programmes on France Inter and is regularly a guest on the program Le premier pouvoir (The First Power), a critique of the media on the radio station France Culture, as well as on I-Télé.

He chose to publish the Danish caricatures of Mohamed. He denounced the danger of the islamist ideology, a "new totalitarism", and he won the lawsuit the French islamic organizations started against him. He supports Israel and asserts in his Traité de savoir-survivre par temps obscurs that the Jewish people has offered a lot to mankind and dedicated the victory of the trial to all moderate Muslims.

External links